Few if any have NOT been affected by extreme VUCA scenarios. Markets and supplies are volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. How does this affect you working within procurement? During this session you can come together to draw from each others experiences! Open, informal and with the aim to share what can be shared.
As soon as you register you can start choosing what sessions to join – limited seats.
Come together to share ideas and concrete examples of how procurement can tackle market challenges that go beyond what you are used to.
How can procurement manage price pressures, supply shortages and logistics challenges?
Procurement have always had too much to do, ad hoc challenges on a daily basis and corporate strategies placing high demands especially on procurement is norm. However – the price fluctuations, material shortages and logistics challenges seen the past year go beyond what most have experienced to date. When will we know if this is a new normal and must not procurement prepare for if it is? Organizations have worked so hard to globalize, secure processes, risk mitigated, ensured supplier audits and a total reduction of suppliers. How do you as a procurement professional tackle fluctuations and rapid shifts now – and ahead? Here you will come together to discuss just that. Beyond competition you will share ideas and practical advice in the group across industries.
We will discuss;
- How have you been affected by material shortages, logistics problems and price pressure?
- How are you working with suppliers to get ahead of supply challenges?
- What measures do you take to ensure quick supply alternatives?
- In what ways do you create structure and processes for alternative suppliers?